Sunday, January 24, 2010

Causes and Early Effects of the Great Depression

1. What happened on "Black Tuesday"?
The stock market crashed.

2. How did the economic trends of the 1920s in industry, agriculture, and with consumers help cause the Great Depression? (Make sure you include significant details about each area in your answer. It should be at least a paragraph)
There was an uneven distribution in which the poor became poorer and the rich became richer. During WWI there was a demand for agriculture and then when the war ended there wasn't a strong demand and many farms were lost due to foreclosure. People were buying beyond there means and living on credit with money they didn't have. Then wit h the Dust bowl people became hungry. Shanty towns started appearing in all cities with the poor scavenging for foood.

3. According to your reading, what are the major causes of the Great Depression?
War debt, tariffs, crisis in the frarm sector, availibity of easy credit, unequal distribution of income.

4. What was Hoover’s philosophy of government?

he said that the government should step in though he didn't believe in federal welfare.
5. What was Hoover’s initial reaction to the stock market crash of 1929?

He said that peopel need to be optimistic and they believed it was a normal part of the business cycle.
6. What was the nation’s economic situation in 1930?

7. How did voters in 1930 respond to this situation?
They voted for republican but later thought that Hoover was a bad president.

8. What did Hoover do about the economic situation?
He told people not to fire anyone and that charities should donate to the poor and no one should gfo on strike.

9. How did the economy respond to his efforts?
it did nothing, except Hoover Dam helped

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