Sunday, April 4, 2010

Korean War Lessons

Prompt:It is 1952. A new president, Eisenhower, has been elected in the US. Your task is to write a report for him on what lessons the United States can learn from the war. Your report should advise the President on:
the US aims in Korea
how the support of the UN helped
how far the US achieved its aims
whether MacArthur should have been allowed to invade North Korea
why MacArthur was removed
the military and civilian cost of war For each point you will need to use the sources and text on pages 338-41 to compile your answer.Finally, make up your own mind as to whether, on balance, the policy of containment succeeded and then write up your ideas as a balanced report.

Mr. President Eisenhower, I am here to advise you and report the mistakes the U.S. has made during the Cold War and also tell about how the policy of containment was a success for the most part. When MacArthur was appointed UN commander he explained his loyalty to the role as "absolute devotion" I will defend that he was too devoted and his actions in Korea were mistakes. The US aim in Korea was to help out their ally South Korea who were being invaded and taken over by communists. Though soldiers from all over the UN helped the majority were American and with MacArthur as leader and most of the soldiers were American the mistake was ever more costly for the US. MacArthur should not have been allowed to invade North Korea, even more so after China declared they would intervene if the US did. When MacArthur proceeded after the Chinese warning, they claimed a huge portion of North Korea and then the Chinese joined the enemy's forces. With aid from the Chinese they were able to push the UN and South Korean forces backwards to where they started. So nothing had changed from the original 38th parallel border except many UN and especially US lives were taken along the way. If MacArthur had thought more logically and just did what he went there to do there wouldn't have been the unnecessary deaths. After all of that mistake MacArthur went against the UN and openly threatened the Chinese, which the UN had told him not to do, which is why Truman removed him. During your presidency do not trust a man to have a important role who is in it for the cause, trust a man who is in the fight for our country. Unless mistakes will be made that will have unnecssary effects. Though on balance the policy of containment was mostly successful for our fear that the whole world would be communist did not happen, we kept our allies as our allies and you Mr. President will ahve learned from these mistakes and hopefully lead our country proud.

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