Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ALL CLASSES: Read Chapter 14-3 and then identify the significance of each of the following terms / names: (Post your answers in your blog before the beginning of class.)
Andrew Carnegie: Carnegie left his job at Pennsylvania Railroad and controlled almost all of the nation's steel industry.
Social Darwinism: Some individuals of a species flourish and pass their traits along to the next generation, while others do not.
John D. Rockefeller: Established the Standard Oil Company and joined with other companies in trust agreements.
Sherman Antitrust Act: Illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with otrher countries.
Samuel Gompers: Leader of the Cigar Makers' International Union, and president of the AFL.
American Federation of Labor (AFL):Focused on collective bargaining, or negotiations between represenatives of labor and management to reach written agreements on wages, hours, and working conditions.
Eugene V. Debs: Invented the American Railway Union that was an industrial union with both skilled and unskilled laborers.
Industrial Workers of the World: Radical unionists and socialists invented the IWU a.k.a. the Wobblies with lumberers, miners, and cannery and dock workers including African Americans.
Mary Harris Jones: Organizer for the women's labor movement demanding equal pay for equal work.

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