Monday, September 14, 2009

Railroad Development

Th government was eager to promote the growth of the railroads because of all of the potential in the Western lands. The government wanted people to live and prosper in the new territiories. The U.S. had just got all this new land and wanted Americans to use the land and its recources to the fullest. The new territories would make new jobs that would need workers, who would make money, which in the end would help the nation's economy. The governament really wanted people to live there but the major problem was getting alot of people to go there ,and the government knew that they would not want to make the long trip The government knew that more people would explore the West if the journey wasn't so tedious, and railroads made the journey alot easier. The railroads in general were also an aid to the nation's economy. It supplied jobs for alot of people, building the tracks, making the steel and conducting the train. The government supported trains because they were a necessity for the nation to prosper.

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