Sunday, December 20, 2009

Securing the Peace

1. Why did Woodrow Wilson not take any Republicans with him to Europe for the Peace Conference?

Wilson had political differences with Lodge, a republican, and refused to bring any republicans because of that.

2. Why was Wilson welcomed in Paris?

The war-weary europeans welcomed Wilson because they thought he would bring peace to the post-war era.

3. The idea of self-rule, which Wilson advocated, was not included in the Treaty to the extent Wilson had hoped. Why not?

France, Italy, Japan and Britain were all determined to keep their land and add more from the land of the Central Powers so they were not in agreement with Wilson's self-rule idea.

4. The Allied Big Four - Wilson, Lloyd George, Orlando, and Clemenceau - discussed the question of whether to invite the conquered Germans and the new Russian Bolsehvik government to the Versailles Conference and its negotiations but decided against it. Was the decision justified? Explain your reasoning.

The decision wasn't justified. The countries should have been invited. They weren't invited because France was angry at Germany and the Big Four were afraid of Russia's governament, which is not a valid reason for not having the countries present.

5. Which Big Four leader showed up at the Paris Conference with the most strenght to influence the proceedings? Which was the weakest? Why?

Britain and France were the most powerful countries at the time and had the most influence. And Italy was weak so it had a small influence along with America who had a small influence because of his peace ideas.

6. Why did Wilson have such difficulty seeing his Fourteen Points written into the Peace Plan?

He had a hard time because the European countries thought that Wilson was being commanding and like "Almighty" forcing 14 points onto them. He noticed he would have to compromise for them to agree.

7. Explain Article X of the League of Nations Covenant. What problems with the covenant did some Americans have?

Certain Americans didn't agree with theArtical X. Article X said that all states would respect the teritorial bondaries. German-Americans said that the article was to harsh on Germany, other european-americans also thought their country had the unfair advantage.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Woodrow Wilson Fights for Peace

1. What was Wilson's 14th Point?
League of Nations: International Organization
2. What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?
That germany had to pay off the debt they owed the allies and they couldn't refuse the treaty or the war would still go on.
3. What were the weaknesses of the treaty?
war-guilt clause solely blaming germany for WWI.
4. Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the treaty?
he wanted the treaty to let Congress declare war.
5. How did Wilson help bring about the Senate's rejection of the treaty?
he put on alot of speeches and traveled to try to convince people.
6. What circumstances at this time would eventually lead many Germans to support Adolf Hitler?
Because they are angry and wanted revenge.
7. Who is George Clemenceau?
Wanted to prevent invasions on France.
8. Who is David Lloyd George?
British Prime Minister.
9. Describe the participation of Russia at the peace conference.
Russia was not allowed to particapate because they are communists.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

WWi The war at home

What were some things accomplished by the following wartime agencies and laws?
1. War Industries Board
Told companies to use mass production to increase efficiency.
2. Railroad Administration
Controlled railroads.
3. Fuel Administration
Controled and lowered fuel ammounts.
4. National War Labor Board
Workers who refused could lose draft exemptions and improved factories.
5. Food Administration
Told people to cut down on food.
6. Committee on Public Information
To advertise the war (propaganda)
7. Espionage and Sedition Acts
If someone was disloyal or interfeared with war effort they were fined and sent to jail.
Briefly explain why Bernard M. Baruch and George Creel are significant historical figures.
Baruch was leader of the War Industries Board and Creel was had of the committee on public information

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The US enters WWI

. How did the United States raise an army?
Through the Selective Service Act.
2. How did U.S. soldiers help win the war?
They told the British to do the convoy system.
3. What were the estimated economic costs of the war?
Polluted water, dysentary, filth, lice, poisonous gas.
4. What did the war cost in terms of the number of civilian deaths; military deaths?; injuries?; and refugees?
11 million civilians; 48,000; 200,ooo; 10 million
5. Define armistice.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World War I Begins

1. What are the four main causes of World War I? Give an example for each as to why it was a cause.
Militarism because the European counties all wanted to keep even with eachother in the ammount of weapons. The alliance sysytem because there became two different rival alliances. Imperialism because every country wanted more land and nationalism because they all thought they were the best country.

2. How did the June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand become the spark for WWI?
Because Austria declared war on Serbia and a chain reaction occured and all the countries became in war with eachother.

3. What happened within the first few months of fighting?
Everyones plans went wrong, especially the German's.

4. Generally, why did the United States want to stay out of the war?
To save their children from warfare and to set an example of peace to the world.

5. Specifically, Why did the following groups of Americans tend to oppose U.S. participation in the war? Naturalized citizens; socialists; pacifists; parents.
parents didn't want their children to die at war. pacifists wanted to have peace. Socialists said it was imperialiistic between Britain and Germany over Africa and China. Citizens didn't want to interupt trading.

6. How did Germany respond to the British naval blockade of Germany’s ports? What was the U.S. response?
The Germans said they would sink all U.S. ships going to Britain and U..S. responded by joining the war.

7. What forced the United States into the war?
So Germans would stop sinkig their ships.