Thursday, December 10, 2009

WWi The war at home

What were some things accomplished by the following wartime agencies and laws?
1. War Industries Board
Told companies to use mass production to increase efficiency.
2. Railroad Administration
Controlled railroads.
3. Fuel Administration
Controled and lowered fuel ammounts.
4. National War Labor Board
Workers who refused could lose draft exemptions and improved factories.
5. Food Administration
Told people to cut down on food.
6. Committee on Public Information
To advertise the war (propaganda)
7. Espionage and Sedition Acts
If someone was disloyal or interfeared with war effort they were fined and sent to jail.
Briefly explain why Bernard M. Baruch and George Creel are significant historical figures.
Baruch was leader of the War Industries Board and Creel was had of the committee on public information

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