Thursday, May 27, 2010

watergate: nixon's downfall

1. How ere the "plumbers" connected to President Nixon?
the burglars in the CRP scandal.
2. Who was the judge? Why did he hand out maximum sentences?
John Sirica and he did it becuase he wanted lots of evidence.
3. How were Mitchell and Dean connected to Nixon?
Dean was on presidential counsel and Mitchell was the former attorney general and CRP's director.
4. How were Haldeman and Erlichman connected to Nixon?
Halderman was the White house Vhief of staff and Erlichman was the chief domestiv advisor.
5. What did the following men tell the Senate about Nixon?
a. Dean-taht Nixon was deeply involved in the cover-up
b. Butterfield- that Nixon had taped all of their meetings
6. Who was fired or forced to resign in the "massacre"?
Richardson resigned, deputy attorney general was fired, and Cox was fired.
7. Why weren't investigators satisified with the transcripts?
They wanted unedited tapes.
8. What did the tapes reveal?
The tapes had many gaps between Nixon and people that would have been important.
9. Why did Vice President Spiro Agnew resign?
Becuase his president resigned.
10. What did the House Judiciary Committee charge President Nixon with?
obstructyion of justice, abuse of power and contempt of Congress for refusing to give overt the tapes.
11. How did the Watergate scandal create a constitutional crisis?
this was the first time someone was impeached as a president so they had to judge terms wisely.

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