Tuesday, May 4, 2010

vietnam war turning points

The assignment is due by 3:10 on Wednesday.
1. Why was the Tet Offensive a turning point? Explain your answer.
The Tet Offensive was a turning point because the Americans beat the Viet Cong and wekaened the Viet Cong's forces. When the Viet Cong tried to take over the American embassey the Americans fought room by room. Also the communists did not support the Viet Cong when they needed it.
2. Are Sources 51 and 52 making the same point about the My Lai Massacre?
Source 51 says that the American soldiers didn't go there to kill people and they felt that that was the only reason they were there. Source 52 was saying that they weren't there to kill people they were there to destroy communism and had to ikill people to do that.

3. Why do you think it took 12 months for anyone to do anything about the massacre?
I think it took 12 months for anyone to do anyhting about the massacre because the word hadn't spread and people were to afraid to bring it up in case someone would get mad. The soldiers were also fighting and had to get back before they could tell aNyone. The government wanted to hide the facts so Americans wouldn't be anti war.
4. Why was the massacre so shocking to the American public?
The massacre was shocking because people didn;t think Americans were like that and couldn't beliveve that their soldiers had steeped so low that the country used to be against. Americans had no idea what was happening until this was uincovered.

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