Thursday, March 4, 2010

japan and u.s. relations in 1941

Japan and U.S. Relations in 1941

Document A:Japan wants to try to take down every country under there power including Great Britain which would hopefully make the Americans reconsider and join the Axis powers too.
Document B: This cartoon shows that the Japanese are encircling the higher powers such as FDR. The people are getting dizzy and disoriented, the japanese want them to give up.
Document C:This dispatch fromt he Japanese to negotiators is explaining how the U.S. is not wanting to negotiate or open to "bending". It says that the U.S. propsed a "humiliating proposal" that makes the negotiators embarassed of their negotiations.
Document D:Tojo says that Majesty would like it best if Japan brought the military and government closer together. He says that it is the Majesty's choice and not his to do this and that it is their duty to fulfill what he wants.
Document E:In this FDR tells of how even thought the U.S. had been negotiating and had a peaceful relationship with Japan, they had been planning the attack on Pearl Harbor for weeks and that the U.S. is officially in war with Japan.

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