Friday, March 12, 2010

war in the pacific!

1. What was the importance of the Battle of Midway?
the allies were "island hopping" to Japan and had to getthe island of Midway in order to keep going.
2. What strategy did the United States adopt in fighting Japan?
kamikaze in which suicide planes would crash into enemies ships.
3. Why did the Japanese fight so hard on Iwo Jima?
The Japanese fought so hard because Iwo Jima was the last island before the U.S. reached their goal, Okinawa so they could bomb the mainland and if the japanese had defeated them then the US wouldn't be able to advance.
4. Why did the Allies believe Okinawa was a foretaste of an invasion of Japan?
The allies believed that the battle at Okinawa would be similar to that of Japan with many deaths from the Japanese defendind their land.
5. What was the Manhattan Project?
It was the best-kept secret in the war, it was the scientific research of the atomic bomb.
6. Ultimately, why did President Truman decide to drop atomic bombs on Japan?
To make the war end as quickly as possible so the japanese would surrender.

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