Sunday, March 7, 2010

mobilizing for wwii

1. Selective Service System
expanded the draft, allowing about 10 million more to join.
2. Women
served in noncombat positions
3. Minorities
Thousands from different minorities enlisted in the war.
4. Manufacturers
Automobile plants made tanks and airplanes for the war and many manufactures of all sorts converted to making war products.
5. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)
Scientists also contibuated to the war effort with medicine, radar, sonar, pesticides and atomic bombs.
6 Entertainment industry
Movies involving issues from the war had many joining the war.
7. Office of Price Administration (OPA)
Foght inflation, freezed prices of most goods.
8. War Production Board (WPB)
The government made it so armed forces got what they needed, many children and familys donated goods.
9. Rationing
People were given coupons to buy necessities that the military also needed for the war.

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