Friday, October 23, 2009

U.S. Imperialism Begins

1. Name at least five factors that fueled American Imperialism.
Five factors that fueled American Imperialism are the technology factor, economic factor, nationalist factor, military factor and the humanitarian and religious factor.
2. Choose two of the above five factors and describe them in your own words.
The miliatary factor is a good reason for American Imperialism because navies need naval bases worldwide for better American safety. The economic factor is a good reason because manufacturing nations need more natuaral recources and marketing.
3. What was known as “Seward’s Folly” and why?
The purchase of Alaska was known as "Seward's folly" because it was such an expensive purchase and people thought it was unnecessary to buy Alaska for $7.2 million.
4. What plantation-based product accounted for three-quarters of Hawaii’s wealth in the mid-19th century and who controlled this product?
The American's owned 3/4 of the island's wealth of sugar.
5. Using as much detail as possible, outline the sequence of events that led to America gaining possession of Hawaii? In other words, why was the United States interested in these Pacific islands?
The United States was interested in the Pacific Islands because whatever country had control over the islands had the most control over the Pacific. The U.S. knew that Britain might try to take over it too and they also thought China might but the U.S. wanted it for the naval base in Pearl Harbour and the economic control of the Pacific.

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