Friday, October 9, 2009

TR's square deal

1. How did Roosevelt create the modern presidency?
He took federal responsibility for the nation's welfare, leadership and publicity campaigns, assumed control when states were incapable, shape legislation, supported the common people.
2. How did Roosevelt's intervention in a coal strike set a precedent for federal arbitration?
When the federal government is a third party to mediate the dispute.
3. What did Roosevelt do to the trusts and railroads?
he gave the government more control over railroads by makimng it illegal for railraod official to give rebate for using particular railraods and they divided the railroad businesses, and made it so railroads had to notify the public of a change in rate. In trusts TR curbed the actions so they didn't hurt the public interest,and breaking up and wining some trusts.
4. What legislation passed during Roosevelt's presidency protected citizens?
The Pure Food and Drug Act made it a law that all medicine and foods sales could not be contaminated and called for truth in labeling.
5. What did Roosevelt do to protect the environment?
He put aside over 150 milllion acres to different national forest reserves, 1.5 millions of acres for water-power sites, several national parks and more than 50 wildlife santuaries

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