Friday, October 30, 2009

imperialism: the origins of global power

1.Why did American plantation owners and U.S. Marines topple Hawaii’s queen in 1893? Why was Hawaii considered to be a valuable prize? What was President Grover Cleveland’s reaction? Do you agree or disagree with his quote on page 1?
They toppled Hawaii's queen because the American plantation owners' favored bringing the island under U.S. control. Hawaii was considered a valuable prize because it is in the middle of the Pacific and a lot of American ships stopped there while going west. Cleveland withdrawed the treaty because he believed it was against American values. I disagree because the U.S. should take over land if they want to and not matter if it is against their values.
2. Identify five important changes that transformed American in the nineteenth century. How did these five changes affect Americans?
Population growth, economic expansion, immigrants, urban growth and trade. These changed the ways of American life because 1/3 of people lived in cities and were not as big into farming. Trade was big and a lot of help with the immigrants.
3. How did the economic depression that began in 1893 deepen the divisions in American society? Which groups suffered the most during the depression?
Workers in the railroads, banks and businesses that got bankrupted suffered the most. It deepened the divisions because workers realized that they were vulnerable in an econonmy based on industry and manufacturing.
4. What were the values many Americans attached to the frontier? Why did many Americans fear that the closing of the frontier would harm America’s national character?
Americans said it was bravery, ingenuity, individualism and patrisim. They thought that closing the frontier would cause harm on their future by not having untapped racources and that economic classes could spark tension. Also that the country had reached its phsical limits.
5. Why did some Americans suggest greater involvement overseas?
They saw the millions of potential consumers and could be an outlet for the surplus of American food.
6. What policy did expansionists say would ensure the economic success of the United States? What did imperialists say?
Expansionists said that ports to service American ships and open doors to foreign markets was sufficient. Whereas imperialists said that the U.S. should have a sizable overseas empire.
7. How did the theories of social Darwinism and scientific racism lend support to the cause of American imperialism? How were these pseudo-scientific theories used to justify racist policies and imperialism? Are they still used today?
They showed that whites are superios and should rule the world becauser they are smarter and have a better mind for power. They were used to justify imperialism because Americans would claim that they were smarter than others and take over their land saying they were helping them They are still not used today.
8. What did many Protestant churches say was America’s role in the world?
That Americans were especiallt blessed and were ment to civilize the world.
9. Why did the United States become involved in several Latin American nations in the nineteenth century? Summarize why the United States became involved in Samoa, Hawaii, and other Latin American nations.
They were "civilizing" other parts of the world. Samoa was portioned between coutries becuae they wanted access to the harbour. The U.S. wanted Hawaii for the harbour as well and to control the Pacific.
10. Why was the United States concerned about British involvement in Venezuela? What concept did U.S. Secretary of State Richard Olney invoke in response?
The Americans did not want Britains to carve up latin America into coloines like they had to Africa. Onley invoked the Monroe Doctrine in response.

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