Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spanish-American War (1898)

Directions: As you read about the Spanish-American War, write notes to answer the questions about its causes and effects.
Causes: How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?
1. American business owners
American capitalists invested millions in large sugar cane plantations and so urged Cuba to break away from Spain.
2. José Martí
Marti organized Cuban resistence against Spain, using guerilla tactics and destroying sugar mills and plantations of the Americans.
3. Valeriano Weyler
Weyler forved Cubans into concentration camps attempting to crush the rebellion.
4. Yellow journalism
Yellow journalism was the Americans exagerated news of Cuban stories trying to get Americas' sympathy for the rebels.
5. De Lôme letter
A letter published in a newspaper where De Lome criticized the American President, this embarassed the Spanish government and angered the Americans.
6. U.S.S. Maine
The Spanish blew up the ship U.S.S. Maine which was bringing home Americans from danger in Cuba, the Americans were apalled.

Effects: What happened to each of the following territories as a result of the Spanish-American War?
7. Cuba
Cuba was freed by Spain.
8. Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico was released by Spain to the United States.
9. Guam
Guam was turned over by Spain to the United States.
10. Philippine Islands
The United States bought the Philippine Islands for $20 million.

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